SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)

SSL(Secure Sockets Layer) ensures that the integrity, confidentiality and security of the data is encrypted during data transfer.

Rapid SSL Certificates SSL Certificates provided by Rapid company
Rapid SSL
RapidSSL WildcardSSL
No Paperwork Fast Setup Mobile Friendly 10.000$ Warranty RSA and ECC Algorithm Free Reissues
99.90 /Yearly Buy
RapidSSL Standard
No Paperwork Fast Setup Mobile Friendly 50.000$ Warranty RSA and ECC Algorithm Free Reissues
11.90 /Yearly Buy
GoGet SSL Certificates SSL Certificates provided by GoGet company
GGSSL Wildcard SSL
No Paperwork Fast Setup Mobile Friendly 50.000$ Warranty RSA and ECC Algorithm Ücretsiz Yeniden Kurulum
79.90 /Yearly Buy
GGSSL BusinessTrust EV
Requires Documentation Fast Setup Mobile Friendly 1.000.000$ Warranty RSA and ECC Algorithm Free Reissues
120.00 /Yearly Buy
GGSSL BusinessTrust SSL
Requires Documentation Fast Setup Mobile Friendly 250.000$ Warranty RSA and ECC Algoritma Free Reissues
79.90 /Yearly Buy
No Paperwork Fast Setup Mobile Friendly 50.000$ Warranty RSA and ECC Algorithm Free Reissues
7.90 /Yearly Buy
Thawte SSL Certificates SSL Certificates provided by Thawte company
Thawte SSL
Thawte Web Server EV
Requires Documentation Fast Setup Mobile Friendly 1.500.000$ Warranty RSA and ECC Algorithm Free Reissues
179.90 /Yearly Buy
Thawte SSL 123 Wildcard
No Paperwork Fast Setup Mobile Friendly 500.000$ Warranty RSA and ECC Algorithm Free Reissues
199.90 /Yearly Buy
Thawte SSL 123
50.000$ Warranty Free Reissues RSA and ECC Algorithm Fast Setup Mobile Friendly No Documentation Required
49.90 /Yearly Buy
GeoTrust SSL Certificate SSL Certificates provided by Geotrust
GeoTrust SSL
GeoTrust TrueBusinessID
Requires Documentation Fast Setup Mobile Friendly 1.250.000$ Warranty RSA and ECC Algorithm Free Reissues
99.90 /Yearly Buy
GeoTrust TrueBusinessID EV
Requires Documentation Fast Setup Mobile Friendly 500.000$ Warranty RSA and ECC Algorithm Free Reissues
459.90 /Yearly Buy
GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium
No Documentation Required Fast Setup Mobile Friendly 500.000$ Warranty RSA and ECC Algorithm Free Reissues
69.90 /Yearly Buy
GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium Wildcard
No Paperwork Fast Setup Mobile Friendly 50.000$ Warranty RSA and ECC Algorithm Free Reissues
219.90 /Yearly Buy

Why is SSL Certificate Necessary?

SSL Certificate increases the reliability of your site and secures the data transfer between the server and visitors. Thus, your website ranks high in search engines.

SSL Certificate Types

SSL Certificates according to their types and possibilities
Domain Validation (DV SSL) It is the most widely used SSL type with its affordable price that can be installed quickly to verify your domain name and does not require documents. It is generally used for personal websites and SEO work.
Extended Validation (EV SSL) It is one of the SSL certificate types with the most comprehensive verification process that keeps security at the highest level and provides prestige with its green bar image. It is generally preferred by institutions and e-commerce sites.
Organisation Validation (OV SSL) This SSL certificate, which can be installed by requesting various documents for company verification, is generally used by e-commerce sites and companies. The insurance guarantee cost is higher than other SSL types.
Subdomain (Wildcard SSL) Wildcard SSL certificate, also known as Subdomain, is a type of certificate that covers your domain name and all subdomains connected to your domain name. No documentation is required for installation.
Multi Domain (SAN SSL) You can use the Multi Domain SSL certificate on more than one domain name. When you validate the multi-domain SSL certificate once, you do not need to validate each domain name individually. Since it is managed from a single location, it is simple to install and use. It is advantageous in terms of price as it can be used with more than one domain name compared to other certificate types.

What are the Advantages of SSL Certificate?

The Main Advantages of SSL Certificate to Add Value and Prestige to Your Site
Provides Advantage in Ranking in Search Engines Search engines such as Google, Yandex, Bing attach importance to security as well as content. When you make your website reliable with SSL certificate besides its content, your site becomes a priority in search results.
End-to-End Data Encryption SSL certificate is important for the security of user data. When users have to share their personal or financial information with the website, the SSL certificate creates a secure environment between the user and the site.
SEO Friendly SSL Certificates are considered SEO friendly as they play an important role in moving websites to the top of search engines.
SEO Friendly Today's modern web browsers warn the user if a website does not have SSL. SSL certificate eliminates this warning and makes your site look reliable and prestigious.

What is SSL Certificate?

SSL takes its name from the initials Secure Socket Layer. It creates a secure environment for the encrypted transmission of information and data between the server or website and the user. SSL is one of the most frequently used terms, especially in e-commerce sites with financial data entry and transfer. For the SSL protocol to work, a private key is required on the server side and a certificate (public key) on the client side.

How Does SSL Certificate Work?

SSL encrypts this data with a special algorithm during data transfer. Thus, while data exchange is taking place, third parties are prevented from accessing this data. When you enter a website, your browser tries to verify whether this site is real or not by sending some requests to the web server of the site you have entered. The web server sends the SSL certificate to the browser as a response to verify the authenticity. When the browser verifies the SSL certificate, a secure environment is created for data transfer.

What Does SSL Certificate Do?

SSL Certificate encrypts the data between servers, websites and users with a special algorithm. Thus, even if the data is stolen by third parties, it cannot be read in any way because it is encrypted. It allows users data such as credit card and personal information to move in a secure environment. Since it has the ability to verify the ownership of the website, it makes your site look secure.

Why is SSL Certificate Important for Websites?

SSL Certificate is a widely used term today. Every user who uses the internet environment pays attention to whether there is SSL where they want to access. Since the user does not prefer sites without SSL certificate, it is difficult to get efficiency from a website without SSL. In addition, popular search engines such as Google, Yandex, Bing do not recommend sites that do not have SSL certificates to their users by finding them unsafe. Therefore, SSL certificate is also very important in terms of SEO.